Keepsake Impression Castings, including hand, foot & fingerprint jewellery

** Please note I will be on Maternity Leave Oct 2022 -> Feb 2023 ** 

All frame orders placed after 17th July may not be completed before my leave. Collections for these will take place in February/March 2023 

All Jewellery orders placed after 17th September may not be completed before my leave. Collections for these will take place in February 2023

F R A M E D  S T O N E  I M P R E S S I O N S

  Capturing the finest of detail  

 B E S P O K E  S T E R L I N G  S I L V E R  J E W E L L E R Y 

   Actual impressions of hands, feet, paws & fingerprints  

Order online & we will contact you to schedule an appointment or post kits